I think the highlight of the trip (aside from shopping at the Isa-store and getting the cutest kitchen magnets ever - did I mention I'm a dork for swag?) was hearing Les Brown speak! He reminded me there is greatness in every single one of us!
Each of us has a story to tell. NO MATTER WHAT it is there is some unique purpose (or rather a combination of purposes) that is can only be brought into the world by YOU.
What is your Unique Purpose? Think about your story ... what are the elements that belong only you? Ask yourself why, why do you want to be healthy? And I'm not just talking physically, I'm talking mentally, spiritually and financially too .... Why do you want to be the best you possible?
For me, it's because there's a drive in me. I can't NOT DO IT. I know that part of the reason I am on this earth is to inspire folks to change their lives. To challenge them to do better, to be better, to really grow the whole person.

For me, the place I need to step up is with the exercise ... while I do exercise ... to say I do it regularly is a stretch. Starting here, starting now, that's changing.
REGULAR EXERCISE is my new mantra. If I have to get my butt out of bed earlier, I pledge to do so. You know why? Because NO MATTER WHAT, I am going to be healthy. NO MATTER WHAT I am going to be successful. NO MATTER WHAT, I am working to bring my gifts to the world.

This week think about where you are and where you want to be. What is your big dream? Your secret hope? Your deepest desire? What are you willing to do to achieve those things? What are you willing to do NO MATTER WHAT to reach your greatness? Everything is possible! It's up to you to make it happen!
Have a fantastic week!