
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Emotional Odyssey

Small choices make a difference. Today was another potential day of emotional eating. I'm working on a memoir, which is challenging for me. My inner critic was kicking and screaming, 'you'll never be about to write 10,ooo words. who are you kidding? you suck at this writing thing. give it up.' This made me want to eat, eat, eat.

Then I realized, ah, this is self-doubt, this is inadequacy ... Couple that with the Oscars and a night of celebration could lead to massive over-eating. I ended up having my friend Poppy over ... and we had hors d'oeurves ... hummus, carrots, celery ... that part wasn't so bad, but the brie and the Ak Mak, that was a calorie extravagance. We didn't have drinks, just water and green tea. But I did break my coffee embargo and used my Nespresso machine to make lattes with half and half for desert!

Earlier in the day I'd been craving (and almost gave in to) Taco Bell. Yes, I know this is gross, but there's some times when nothing but a Taco Bell crunchy taco will do! Today would have been one of those days. In fact, I was headed to TB for a stress-induced bag of tacos when i thought, stop ... you're already planning to have brie and crackers and a latte (OMG - it was PERFECTION!!!) tonight, probably should not have tacos for lunch.

That's what I mean by small decisions making a difference. Today, even though I was battling insecurities, I didn't take the easy path and mindlessly turn to food.

Instead I made conscious choices. And in the end, this will make all the difference!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT...and how do you find such perfect images too???!!!
