
Friday, March 5, 2010

Emotional Eating

"A Clear Understanding of Negative Emotions Dismisses them." Vernon Howard

Yesterday I gave in and did some emotional eating. Only a little bit ... but still, I did it. I've been struggling and yesterday a ghost from my past snuck up on me triggered it. Major difference this time, I recognized it as it was happening. I was completely conscious of what I was doing.

I knew when I was shopping in Trader Joe's I was going to eat. I chose white cheddar popcorn -- knowing the whole bag was less calories than a bag of chips. I hadn't intended to buy it when I walked in, but it ended up in my basket anyway.

At home I talked myself through the whole process -- is this going to serve your goal of winning the Isabody Challenge? No. Ok, well then leave them alone. I repeated this conversation and circled my kitchen like a shark after blood. Opening the bag, closing the bag. Opening the bag, eating a little, putting it away. Finally I was like, "just eat the bag, do it and be done." So I did -- and you know what -- I enjoyed it, a lot!

But here's the key differences between this time and all the times before -- I didn't beat myself up. I didn't keep going. I had a shake for dinner and was right back on the program. I also recognized the feeling of inadequacy made me turn to the comfort of food. So courtesy of my friend and client Nancy Mendell ... I came up with strategies to try next time ... walk the dog, journal, do some art ... try one of these things before settling in and stuffing it down.

What strategies do you have in place for your next struggle with emotional eating?

1 comment:

  1. Strategy wins over will-power every time!! Thanks Nancy!
