
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Full Moon

Tonight is a full moon! Perfect for wishing. But wishing on it's own isn't enough. Wishes with action, now there's the magic!

I made it through my through the second day of my cleanse. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do it, but then this morning I had a breakthrough. The cleaner, leaner me realized that when you feel like you can't go on, when you feel like giving up, if you hold on and see it through, miracles will happen. You're headed for a deeper level of clarity.

Trust me. You have the power to create your own magic!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekend Cleanse

I've been doing back to back nine days(race to maintenance) pretty easily ... shakes days during the week, cleanse days on the weekends. But this weekend it was a little tough to get into.

One thing that's saved me this weekend is Michelle William's tip about eating cucumbers. Just gotta love that vegetable!

For some reason, today I needed to graze on something. Luckily Michelle had shared with me her trick about cucumbers ... she cuts them up and puts Balsamic Vinegar on them and munches on them during a cleanse day.

I cut them up and used Rice Wine Vinegar and the tiniest splash of sesame oil. My own simple sunomono salad! Yum! This seems to be working.

And although apparently my brain is going through a rebellious phase ... I'm working my way through it. Anyone else got tips they want to share?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Healthy Living with Beth

It's Friday and I'm grateful. Extremely grateful. Am looking forward to another day of work tomorrow, which is always fun since basically, I work with my friends!

One friend, Beth Kandell, has this great new blog.
Beth is all about quick and easy, healthy gourmet meals! Perfect for the time-challenged! Her meals take about 5 minutes to prepare, 30 minutes total time with cooking -- giving you far more time for this ... And really, who doesn't need more of this???

On the menu for this weekend ... Chilean Sea Bass w/ Mixed Green Salad and Roasted Asparagus!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Who Am I?

So today at 7:40 in the morning as I was driving to a networking meeting for Women Entrepreneurs, it hit me. I was up before 9, and functioning, and clear-headed, and not drinking coffee, and driving on the 101 freeway HAPPILY. Talk about total transformation. I mean, who am I??! WOW!

In my life, I swear, I never thought the person I just described would be me. I even was up til way after midnight last night and got up easily this morning at 6am without an alarm!!! Seriously, who am I??? I am a totally different person. With totally different energy and a totally different outlook on life.

Somewhere along this journey a paradigm shift has occurred. Inside my head I went from being the 'fat girl' with a heavy mind and heart, to the person I am at this moment. Somewhere along the line, I started to believe. I mean, really believe that a life shift was possible.

Now I know that I can let go of the multitudes of past weight loss failures and eating issues and all that other junk that's been weighing me down. That I can have a healthy future. That I can change my life and the lives of countless others by just doing what I'm doing.

So who am I now? I am the woman who is finally, finally, finally shedding the fat cocoon she's spent her life hiding in and grown new wings to fly! I am the woman transformed.

I wish you peace and the strength to make your own transformation!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just Be

This morning started my second cleanse day ... and so far it's been kind of rough. I've been craving food like you would not believe. Weird stuff, like McVitties Chocolate Digestive Biscuits and a thick New York steak from the Daily Grill and Onion Bhaji from Gungadin ... (no, I'm not pregnant).

Everything in my being is screaming -- FEED ME!!! And I can't seem to shake it. Well, at least I couldn't until ...

I have a client named Nancy Mendell, she's a wellness coach and owner of a company called Pure Possibility. She's having me write about ritualizing stillness for her blog ( I love working with Nancy because she's always so inspiring. She always gives me the perfect information right on time.

Today was no different. Today's advice ... take the time to BE. It's exactly what I needed to feed the gremlins. So I took the time to sit, to meditate and be still. And guess what? As my muppet-tormented soul became quiet, so did the urges for eating food.
Best advice for today, from Nancy Mendell of Pure Possibility. Just Be. Hope you have a peace-filled day.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wired and Tired, but Inspired???

So I haven't been writing every day because, well, because along with the physical change in my body, has come a miraculous change in my work life. I think it's due to the energy ... I don't just mean pep ... I mean energy, that comes from fueling your body with the right stuff ...

It's like in the past month I've become a magnet for all things positive. My body isn't the only thing transforming. All of a sudden my business is too. I have all these amazing new clients who inspire me daily with their outlooks and their courage and their business goals.

Truthfully, sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed. I could work 24 hours a day and still have a long to-do list. But that's the life of an entrepreneur! My brain is always churning and creating and growing and adapting. I can't seem to stop myself.

And I wouldn't change it for the world!

I never thought when I made the decision to take the Isabody Challenge that every aspect of my life would be effected. What a surprising and amazing journey this is!

And although I'm a little tired and really kinda wired ... I feel inspired!

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Bridge to Healthy Living

Isagenix has transformed my life ... so far I've released 38 pounds and counting in 3 1/2 months! (I did two years on another weight loss program and lost 2 pounds, then gained 15 ... I am walking proof Isagenix is TRULY an AMAZING PRODUCT - a bridge that's allowed me to pass from my old unhealthy habits and move toward better health and wellness).

The results speak for themselves ...

But enough about me ... tomorrow's topic - three of my most inspirational new friends ... Jamie Leff (nutritionist), Nancy Mendell (health and wellness coach) and Beth Kandell(Beth's Healthy Living)!

Everyone needs a support team ... I'm lucky enough to have Mindy, Sally, and these three ladies motivating me every day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

10,000 Days ...

For one synchronous moment yesterday, I felt like I could have it all. I knew with every ounce of my being that I was on the right path -- that success was not only possible, but it was happening in real time. I was creating it with my choices. (with help from Fate and Isagenix)

What an incredible feeling! I want everyone to be this happy!!

My bliss came from many things ... but began with a milestone of long-awaited weight loss success. (I am down three sizes in a brief 3 and 1/2 months, wearing clothes I haven't put on in five years!!!!)

This is a miracle, since I've spent more than 10,000 days wishing to be thin. I was at a crossroads when Mindy and Sally came into my life and shared Isagenix with me. It was time. Time for me to shrink my fat head. Time to stop making 'thin' the bottom line and start making 'healthy' the ladder to success.


Abraham Lincoln said, "most people are about as [successful] as they make up their minds to be." No matter where you are in your life, you have the power to change for the better. You have the power to accomplish your goals! Today is the day to bring success your way!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Social Media & Transformation!

Was at an Isagenix Social Media seminar yesterday ... hung out with Mindy and Beth and Ellen and lots of new friends! (thanks Kenyon, Kevin, Eric and Jackie) People are getting fired up about Health and Wellness. Just in time for the Year of the Tiger. 2010 is a time for TRANSFORMATION!

I'm transforming my life ... so far I've lost 3 sizes using Isagenix Nutritional Cleanse, and I know I'll never find them again! Isagenix is a lifestyle, not a diet. It has given me something no other 'weight loss' system has. (and I've tried everything you can imagine)

This is working because I am NOT DIETING, I AM CLEANSING. Releasing weight happens when your body gets clean. This is the Isagenix difference. I still have a way to go ... 3 more sizes. I've waited 10,000 days for this ... but that is over. The time is now!

How will you change your life for the better this year?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Gung Hay Fa Choi!!!

Sunday is not just Valentine's Day, it's Chinese New Year as well. 2010 is the year of the Tiger -- filled with good luck and courage and success.

"Be bold and Mighty Forces will come to your aid!"
Almost Famous

Here's to a year filled with bold choices and brave actions!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Day is Coming ...

Valentine's Day is coming!

Are you ready to show some love?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Strong Finish

It's been three months since I started the Isabody Challenge and this is unlike any other 'diet' I've ever been on. In fact, in the past 3 months I've become progressively more healthy. I've started making better food choices. Gradually I've given up pizza, alcohol, coffee, potato chips, sugar, wheat and more... Not because I have to, but because I want to. I'm making changes to FEEL better.

It's taken me more than 25 years to get to this point. Isagenix is giving me that. The products, the people, the company ... it's an opportunity for a lifetime of success. This is a lifestyle, not a fad.
So as I enter the final leg of the Isabody Challenge, I'm reminded of what my high school swim coach used to tell me "winner's finish strong."

Each day brings an opportunity to get leaner, healthier and closer toward my fitness goal. Here's to the winning finish!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good Influence!

One thing I never thought of myself as was a good influence on people! Inspiring, perhaps, but a 'good influence' not so much. I'd be the one suggesting ice cream after pizza and beer! Or another bottle of Pinot with the chocolates! LOL!! But that's all changed since Isagenix.

Seriously, I can't even believe I used to be that person! Talk about a total transformation!

I've been doing the 'Race to Maintenance', which includes 2 back-to-back days of cleansing, followed by 5 'shake' days, followed by 2 cleanse days etc ... and guess what? Amazing, amazing results! I recommend anyone try this if you want to jump start your weight release! I am now down almost 3 sizes! I couldn't believe it today when I tried on pants that haven't fit for at least 5 years!

Seriously WOW!!! It's worth the ups and downs and the gradual giving up of all things unhealthy -- such as my beloved coffee, which to my happy surprise I don't really miss at all ... I've replaced it with Ionix Supreme and decaf green tea!

Giving that up pretty much doubled the rate of my success! No kidding.

My friends are telling me now I'm a 'good influence.' 180 degree switch from what I used to be. :)

Every day I'm getting asked more about Isagenix! My answer -- just do it! It'll change your health and improve your life!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Love, Peace & Understanding

"No authority can give you love, peace or understanding. Live simply. Let the moment teach you everything you need. When you stop craving exotic escape from daily life, knowledge arises from simple things you already know." Everyday Zen

Have a present day!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Switching to Tea ...

With Mindy's help (she's giving up coffee too), I've given up drinking coffee. Turns out, although I am releasing weight, I could be doing it much faster without consuming caffeine.

I thought giving it up would be a big deal, but it's so not. I mean, there's a little rebel still coming up now and again, but I distract her with shiny baubles. I broke out my tea pots and started making tea. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to play with my tea sets!

One of my favorite tea shops in the world is Samovar Tea in San Francisco. It was nice to revisit it and order some Ocean of Wisdom Herbal Blend. Check it out ...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Coffee?? & Giving ...

Two quick things ... I am being call to give up coffee for a while. Replace it actually, with Ionix Supreme and green tea. Haven't had the resolve to do it just yet ... am thinking maybe I'll start tomorrow morning and see how it goes.

Second, nutritionist Jamie Leff ( just did a giving month. 29 days of giving in honor of her 29th birthday. She inspired me and I remembered that I used to consciously give at least once a day ... a smile, a prayer, words of encouragement ... whatever ... somthing simple to stimulate positive energy in the Universe.

I haven't done it in a while, but I've started doing it again. Yesterday I shared my food with a homeless lady at Rite Aid. She asked for money and I offered her chicken instead. It feels good to give. Have you shared today?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Moved Through the Wall

This is what you find when you hit a wall and keep going ... suddenly there's a hole and you get through and go on!

Today's situp count :51
pushup (men's) count: 10

Anyone else want to join me in situp solidarity?
Start with 50 a day and challenge yourself to add one a day until you hit 100!

Summer's coming ... flat tummies, beach ready bods ... stronger core! Sounds good, doesn't it???

Monday, February 1, 2010

Crunch Time ...

It's the final two months of the Isabody Challenge and today I Add Imagesort of hit a wall. I realized I feel tired. I'm tired of talking about myself. Tired of talking about the journey. Tired of taking the journey and tired of fighting the stuff that's come up.

Everything that's held me back in my life has to do with my weight. I know I'm the verge of a breakthrough because all the ghosts were around today. Nothing was enough. Not thin enough, not fast enough, not selling enough, not enough, not enough, not enough ... never, ever, ever enough. Evil Muppet #3 was in full force.

Sensing a pattern? This is some really deep stuff, emotional baggage I was sure had been sorted and tagged and filed away neatly, sprung open and brought forth old muck! So now what?

Just keep walking, that's what. Just keep drinking the shakes. And add something new.

I vow to do at least 50 crunches a day, every day, starting today. That's something more than I did yesterday. Something more to do to bring better results. It's a way to combat the muppets. Ok, so I'm doing enough. Well, I'm not giving up, much as you may want me to, instead how about this, I'll do MORE! Ha!!
It's crunch time! Time to push past the wall. One step at a time, one day at a time, one shake at time. They don't call it a challenge for nothing!