
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Winner! Winner! Winner!

Well, the Isabody Challenge for 2010 is over and guess what?  I finished in the top 10 out of 4000 entrants!  That's right!  I am so excited by this.  First because it's a huge honor to be included among a group of people who have worked so hard to transform their lives.  And second because, I managed to reach a goal! I released 50 pounds in about six months and have kept it off.

And continue to keep it off!  (as well as continue to change my body)

My life is completely different ... my mind, body and spirit have transformed.

I have struggled with my weight since childhood.  My earliest memory of being 'too fat' was age 5!  This has been a monkey on my back that has followed me throughout my life. Somewhere deep inside myself I held on to the belief that because I was not able to set a goal of loosing weight and stick to it, that setting goals in general was an exercise in futility!


Here's the secret I learned, some goals are meant to be achieved, others are not.  Others are meant to be failed at, learned from, re-tooled and retried. And the most important lessons are often learned more from the failures than the successes.

The secret is to keep on going, no matter what. If you want something badly enough, no matter what it is, don't stop, don't give up and don't give in!  Remember this and eventually YOU WILL FIND A WAY TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS!  This is the strategy of a TRUE WINNER!


  1. Oh Lindey, how incredible it was to celebrate your transformation this weekend at the Isagenix Conference. Witnessing your journey and all of the personal stories of courage, strength, tenacity, passion and triumph moved my soul in a profound way.

    Thank you for trusting me over and over, even when you didn't want to :) and taking that next step! You ARE a winner!

  2. Congratulations Lindey on your transformation! You are truly an inspiration.

