
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Art of Imperfection

"Imagine a different world, one in which people do not spend an inordinate amount of energy fuming against their fate each time the make a mistake."  Veronique Vienne

Many of us in today's society are so obsessed with getting it right, that we forget that while right is good, sometimes accepting imperfection can be so much more fun! I used to be one of those women. I had to do everything perfectly or I wouldn't do it at all.

The result was for me, either a. doing everything right, but being so stressed out that no one wanted to be near me or b. I'd abandon the project for fear of making a mistake leaving way too much undone.

This is no way to live. I don't remember when, but one day I woke up. A friend invited me to see a movie and I said I couldn't go because I had laundry to do. Then  I looked at a pile of unfolded laundry and said  'so what.'  A hundred years from now, is anyone really gonna care?  Is anyone really gonna care that my laundry isn't completely done?

The answer, for those of you who are wondering, is no.  Then I called me friend back and said yes to the movie.  This made her day.  Later she told me she couldn't believe I would have chosen laundry over her. Then she made fun of me and we laughed at my obsessive need for perfection.

I learned something that day.  Life is meant to be imperfect. This week, let go of the obsessive need for perfection, learn to laugh at your mistakes and keep dancing when you misstep and see how much more fun your life becomes!


  1. Perfectionism blocks us & keeps us stuck. It's fascinating how our drive for perfection is connected to so much of what we really want (our progress with our weight, stress, clutter & ...)

    I see laughter and joy as absolutely you, Lindy. What fun to stop that need for perfection. It blocks our enjoyment of today grinding our movement toward what we really want to a snail's pace.

    Whenever a no is my automatic response, I stop and think about how I might re-arrange or ask for help. It's a lot more fun to enjoy today focused with clarity on what is really important.

  2. Okay...this is soooo perfect for me today! I have been pushing so hard to get a million and one projects done. As a result, some aspects of my life are being ignored. I stepped back and re-evaluated that today. I don't have to be perfect either, just happy. Be Well!


  3. I am starting to realize, as well, that letting go of the perfection gives us a much fuller life. My house isn't always as clean as it once was, and I am feeling okay about that. I am becoming less rigid and more able to go with the flow of life. Thanks for the reminder to continue along that path.

  4. I like it. This is a good lesson in living in the moment, playing it by ear. Letting go of perfection and enjoying life. Thank you! Coach Sandra
