
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Balance ...

Isagenix is teaching me about balance.

Tonight is Sunday and I have a weekend ritual that involves eating. My friend Poppy and I are addicted to Dino's Pizza and Heifer Meister beer. We love to get together and enjoy a meal. We have a small pepperoni pizza, drink a beer then go and get a little ice cream, or like tonight, we got Menchie's Frozen Yogurt. We don't go completely crazy, we just have a bit of fun.

In order to prepare for this evening, I drank a shake and had some soup today. I adhered closely to the Isagenix meal plan provided by Mindy, my coach. I drank a whole pitcher + some of the spa water I've been making and didn't obsess about food all day.

In the past, I'd have been like, well, I'm eating tonight, so I might as well eat today and I would have spent the day indulging my every food fantasy. But today was different. I can't explain it, other than to say Isagenix and the team is giving me a deep-seated knowledge that I can do this. I will do this, I am doing this. Not just for the look of my body, but for the way I feel.

After less than a week on Isagenix, I feel cleaner, clearer and lighter. Mentally, physically and spiritually. Yesterday's blog was funny. I made fun of myself. I had a good time doing it. The picture of me was taken before I found the Ursula picture. It was ok for me to poke fun at myself. Hey, I am where I am. It doesn't mean I'm going to beat myself up, It doesn't mean I'm going to deny it. And it doesn't mean I'm going to stay where I am. For the record today I felt more like Ariel than Ursula. See, balance.

Today I am celebrating! I am celebrating a new found sense of peace, a new balance. Not perfect, not permanent ... just what is at this moment. I love it when a wish comes together!

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