It's the final two months of the Isabody Challenge and today I

sort of hit a wall. I realized I feel tired. I'm tired of talking about myself. Tired of talking about the journey. Tired of taking the journey and tired of fighting the stuff that's come up.
Everything that's held me back in my life has to do with my weight. I know I'm the verge of a breakthrough because all the ghosts were around today. Nothing was enough. Not thin enough, not fast enough, not selling enough, not enough, not enough, not enough ... never, ever, ever enough. Evil Muppet #3 was in full force.
Sensing a pattern? This is some really deep stuff, emotional baggage I was sure had been sorted and tagged and filed away neatly, sprung open and brought forth old muck! So now what?
Just keep walking, that's what. Just keep drinking the shakes. And add something new.
I vow to do at least 50 crunches a day, every day, starting today. That's something more than I did yesterday. Something more to do to bring better results. It's a way to combat the muppets. Ok, so I'm doing enough. Well, I'm not giving up, much as you may want me to, instead how about this, I'll do MORE! Ha!!
It's crunch time! Time to push past the wall. One step at a time, one day at a time, one shake at time. They don't call it a challenge for nothing!