Somewhere along the line my paradigm shifted ... I started wanting a healthy body instead of a thin one! Who knew that making conscious efforts to put good nutrition in my body and surround myself with other healthy positive folks would be the key?
It's true, losing weight is a by-product. This is the secret of the genie in the lamp ... I wished to be thin and instead got the tools to become healthy! I just love it when people say to me, but you only drink shakes! When you stop, you'll gain it all back again!

Since I began this journey in November, I've attracted so many new and wonderful friends! They have shared with me tips for quick and healthy eating with very little forethought and prep time! Each and every one has the same focus as myself! - To live a healthy and prosperous life! From them I have learned how important it is to EAT properly ... to eat organic ... to chose an apple instead of a bag of chips and to have an IsaDelight instead of a Snickers!

I eat better now that I am doing a nutritional cleanse than I ever have in my life! And I want to shout it out so the world can hear!
Anyone feeling inspired yet? I know I am!
Here's a link to my friend Beth's blog ... she distributes Horizon Foods meats and is a goddess of quick and easy gourmet meals! http://bethshealthyliving.blogspot.com
Check her out and join her mailing list ...