I'm talking about some serious emotional Spring Cleaning! Here's what was unearthed today ...
I am programmed to give and give and give and I have sucked (technical term) at receiving!!
That's right, today I uncovered an old deeply buried, incredibly false, but feels-like-true belief that goes something like this ... "I don't deserve for good things to happen." Ouch, that one hurts!

But when I say it, I'd have this HUGE anxiety feeling around it .. HUGE! So I decided to examine this Big Hairy Spider belief that I don't deserve for good things to happen ...
First of all, how can anything fantastic sustain itself in your world, if you aren't open to receiving as well as giving!
So what to do? Change it! Learn about the beautiful balance that comes with gratitude of being open to both giving and receiving.
Dave teaches the language of abundance. He always asks, what DO you want? Ok, so I flipped the afore-mentioned BHS belief into, "I deserve for good things to happen." Every time I say it my heart feels lighter. I deserve for good things to happen, I deserve for good things to happen! Try it! You'll love it!
Bottom line, because I wasn't open to receiving all the good things the Universe was bringing me, I had a tendency toward self-sabotage. In the past, my language would have been, "I let go of the need to sabotage myself." But that's speaking the language of lack ... Instead I replaced it with the language of abundance ... "I embrace my intuition, it makes me a success!"
It's a whole new world when you learn to receive as well as give! How you talk to yourself makes the difference between moderate success and total abundance! So speak positive words, think abundant thoughts, let all the good life has to offer in and enjoy this beautiful day!
You deserve your most amazing life ever! For more information about how you can change your life with ONE SESSION, call or email at 818-889-1557 or dave@daveblomsterberg.com!
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