
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


"You've got to say, if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it." That's what Lee Iococca called perseverance. 

It's a mantra I've been repeating to myself a lot lately. I've reached the 50 lb mark and have been a little stuck for almost a month. I've been struggling to stick to the program, to adapt to the change in my body and to get past this HUGE (and amazing) milestone! 

And to not sink into old eating patterns. Aahh the slippery slope that starts with just one... just one cupcake or one drink or one pizza or one ... way too many 'just ones' = weight creeping on again. I can feel it happening.  (But just a little) I am mindful of the fit of my new 'skinny' jeans. Today there was less of them and more of my body. 

A friend once told me that I couldn't handle being thin. He was right, in a way. I can't. Well, I couldn't.  But I'm learning. As a fat person, I am invisible. Unseen. A cellophane observer of the turning world around me. 

But now, the invisibility cloak of chub has worn thin. People can see me again for the first time in years. I am no longer invisible. There is a certain danger in this that's been causing me to eat more again. On a subconscious level it seems I am anxious to restore my own non-existence. I think this is the reason for the yo-yo effect.

But I am determined to stop it this time. 

Perseverance is the key. That along with motivation and courage. And the willingness to face head on whatever fears and shadows are lurking in the psyche.

FEAR.  False Evidence Appearing Real  (I just learned that from Karynne Boese of, isn't it fabulous???)  

Fear, like shadow, disappears when light is shined on it. 

Knowing this is the key to reaching all your goals in life. So today, remember this ... no matter what your goals are, YOU CAN ACHIEVE THEM!  Just keep going, even when you think you can't go any further ... take one more step!


  1. Hi Lindey, thank you for the honesty and authenticity of your post. As I read your words I was propelled back in time to when I was 60 pounds heavier. This was a turning point in my I go back to where I was or do I persevere and reach success? It felt good to persevere. Persevere Lindey and keep looking inside. So glad you shared!


  2. Well said Joy. I am only in my current freedom of choice with weight because of perseverance and BELIEF through consistent action...revealing the truth of who I am and how I am in the world. What is my alternative?...I can choose! And so it are learning to choose!
    Love you Lindey!

  3. This inspires me to pay attention to where perseverance would serve me in my life right now, and where it has waned. Then to ask the questions that challenge my beliefs. Congratulations Lindey, on your perseverance and all you have achieved!


  4. Wow! What courage you have! You are my hero. Thank you so much for the sharing. Sandra D

  5. You might want to think about a new way of eating rather than dieting . . . eating as much as you want, as long as it's healthy foods that aren't calorie dense. Meaning WHOLE grains (not refined), vegetables, fruits and legumes. Eat all you want. Fat makes fat, so stay away from meat, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs, extracted oils, avocados and olives. That's my secret! Not that it's a secret. Most of the world eats this way.

  6. Thank you ladies for all your wonderful support! You are all fabulous!
