
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Joy of Meditation

Yesterday was my friend Joy Kingsborough's birthday  and we spent hour talking about meditation and energy and allowing. She said the Universe wants to support us in our endeavors. And that when we align with our heart, life just seems to flow. You can attract what you desire by putting you attention on it. It's that simple, if you let it be.

It was THE MOST incredible hour!  She reminded me of so many things I needed to remember. First, no one is too busy to meditate.  In fact, if you ARE too busy, it's TIME TO MEDITATE. Stopping and getting clear is the biggest gift you can give to yourself and the world around you.

Lately I've been too busy to focus on writing my blog. Or so I thought. Really what was happening was just a shift.  In my mind unexpressed was this thought, 'The official Isabody Challenge is over, now what?'

I felt like I had nothing more to share. This is so not true.  With a few minutes of silence and stillness, it came to me that I still have a journey to share.  I still have inspiration to give. There is much more to learn.

Here is  the lesson for the day.  There is light in each and every one of us, it's time to let it shine. Everyone has a unique message, so get out there (however that looks for you), let the world see how wonderful you really are.

I'm dedicating the next six months to releasing old thinking.  It's time to change!  Out the the old driven 'do, do, do, do. model and in the with new 'allow, be, enjoy' model.

Have a fantastic day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am totally in agreement with what you are saying, Lindey. I am working on releasing old thinking and false beliefs that my sub-conscious is holding onto.


  3. Lindey, what a great post! I am so honored to be mentioned directly. :)

    Your post has inspired me this morning! Although I spend my days inspiring others, sometimes my own cup runneth on empty and I must remember to recharge. Our activities can suck us in, and like you said so eloquently, that is when we need meditation the most.

    Thank you for shining your light on the world!

    Joy Kingsborough

  4. Thank you for this Lindey - I feel the same way and although I can't express what I want to say at this moment because I have too many things running around in my head, I am very thankful for your having written these words, they mean a great deal to me as I too continue to shift and grow. Please keep sharing!! Nan

  5. I find that when I meditate, the answers that I couldn't find before, suddlenly come and they seem so obvious! Amazing! Coach Sandra
