
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lessons from the Past

Funny how the Universe brings people back into your life at the perfect moment. I've been struggling with some very core issues regarding my weight.

Ideas that somehow solidified back in 6th grade and stuck.

Things like I'm a FAT (I was teased mercilessly by two mean boys in my class - who taunted me and called me ELEPHANT on a daily basis) And my other favorite, because I couldn't stick to a diet I was a failure, unable to achieve any goal I set.

Yep. I spent much of my life under the shadows of this stuff! It sucks growing up large in LA.

But alas, I've done the work and those ghosts have long gone, or so I thought. While cleansing, there are occasions when these thoughts still rear their ugly heads.  Here's where Universal timing comes in.

A few weeks ago, while I was knee deep in the muck of my past, I got a call out of the blue from my 6th grade friend Kim P.  (We'd re-connected on Facebook, which was very cool!)  We talked for about 45 minutes.

Here's the irony.  I remembered myself as the fat girl who was a sloth and did nothing.  She remembered an athletic girl who wasn't rail skinny, but who was thin and active and healthy.  She reminded me I was always swimming and riding horses! Seriously, her perception of me was 180 degrees of what I thought of myself.  As mine was of her.

I always thought she was so thin.  She had these long, lean legs and to my recollection was seriously skinny!  But in her mind, she was the fat one!  Can you believe it?

She also reminded me that when I left in 7th grade and came back to visit, I was 'totally skinny.'  She was right, it was after my first ever crash diet .... at age 13 I created the Dexatrim and Tab cola and Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup diet!  Yep, I wouldn't eat all day, I'd take Dexatrim and drink Tab to suppress my appetite and finally, at dinner eat a can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup!  My poor parents!  I remember being perpetually hungry and mean as a rabid dog!  Hey, but I was thin! LOL!

Can you say not sustainable???  Thankfully now, I am an adult making better choices.  My paradigm has shifted ... from THIN to HEALTHY.  I am grateful to Isagenix every day for providing me with a healthy option to release not only the weight, but also the baggage from my past!

Anyone else out there want to share their craziest crash diet??

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lindey...I remember doing a TAB diet too...OMG, can you believe it, that stuff was nastier than the diet coke version now. Oh yea, and then there was the kicker...are you ready for this one???? Hard boiled eggs, hot dogs and bananas!!!! ONLY! Now how's that for a sad laugh!
