But not this time! This time I managed to survive, actually I am managing to thrive without completely losing it and gaining weight. This is not to say I haven't slipped and eaten. Last night the emotions got the better of me and between Taco Bell and Yum-Yum doughnuts, I just about made myself sick.
This morning I feel gross ... food hangover! But what are you gonna do? I can't cleanse because that would be too radical ... what I can do is work really hard to do a shake meal shake combo, sans bloody mary's or mimosas! Yes, I admit these past few months have resembled a stint on Desperate Housewives! LOL I had to put a stop to that because I found myself turning to my new friend Absolut just a little too often!
Hey, anything to numb the pain, right? But here's what I learned. Ok, so it's sort of a 'duh' thing, but ... when you drink or eat to solve your problems, it's only temporary. When you 'sober up' they are still there! Geez! So what to do, what to do?
Stick to your program as best you as you can. Don't fret if you aren't perfect. Perfect is boring!
And, I have to credit my friend Poppy with this. (Thank you and love you Nemo!!) I took up swimming. One of my favorite forms of exercise. (and yes, losing 65 pounds gave me the courage to walk into a public arena in a bathing suit - that in itself is HUGE!!!)

So here's my advice for today. No matter what program you are working (I swear by Isagenix and become more convinced every day that it's THE answer), make it a lifetime thing. Not a diet, a program.
And get out and exercise. Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to change your patterns. My pattern was feel bad, stay home and feel sorry for yourself. New pattern, feel bad, get out and do something. See a movie, go for a walk, go for a swim ... call a friend.
Reach out! And get the Funk Out! Your life will be much better for it!
Have a fantastic day!!!